Hi, my little MADE Dolls! I have been getting questions from social media and from my current clients about what you can and can not do after a Botox treatment, so I want to address it right here and now.
First off, I want to start by saying what I have said over and over again but still get negative responses from people who have never tried a treatment such as botox, dysport, or xeomin (from here on, called neuromodulators)....
NEUROMODULATORS ARE NOT FILLERS! Louder for the skeptics in the back! They are a preventative treatment for reducing wrinkles- ergo, they do NOT make you look older. They work by weakening the nerve impulse to the muscle, therefore weakening the muscle itself. Neuromodulators do not fill a space, do not make your face look puffy, do not make your cheeks or lips bigger... they strictly affect the strength of the muscles in your face so that you don’t form as much wrinkles as you would without the treatment. That being said, you have to go to a skilled professional, if you want a beautiful result.
Whew! Glad we got that out of the way lol. Ok! Now on to the fun stuff :)
Many people want to combine skin care with neuromodulators, as they should! I tell my clients to think of neuromodulators such as Botox as part of your skin care. You use creams and facials to make your skin look its best, and you use neuromodulators to prevent your skin from wrinkling.
Neuromodulators come in a powder form and are mixed with sodium chloride solution before injection into your face. That means that the actual product injected into your face is a liquid and can move if manipulated with massage or pressure to the face. For this reason I would highly recommend waiting several days (preferably 1-2 weeks) before getting any sort of facial. The same goes for peels, laser facial treatments, and microdermabrasion. You are, however, allowed to get facials prior to your Botox/dysport/xeomin (neuromodulator) treatment. I also advise my patients not to wear headbands, hats, or sunglasses that may push on the area of injection for 24-48 hours after the treatment.
Other things that you would want to avoid after a neuromodulator treatment is excessive heat, exercise, alcohol for the next 24 hours to prevent bruising. Also I would recommend stopping NSAID (ibuprofen, aleve, naproxen, Morton, etc) use several days prior and several days after the treatment also to prevent bruising. To even further prevent bruising, you can take Arnica tablets several days prior to your treatment and for several days after your treatment. Arnica also comes in a cream, which you can apply to the injection area to minimize bruising.
It is also recommended not to lay down for about six hours after your treatment so the Botox does not move. You very much want the Botox to stay where it is injected to they have a nice, even, beautiful outcome. Massaging your face, or laying down on your side can you give the risk of an asymmetrical result of the product is liquid and can move. So there you go! This is the quick nitty-gritty about pre-and post neuromodulator treatment care from your favorite MADE doctor. Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Love you, MADE Dolls!
Dr. Botox Barbie